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Prepare a quote from a diagram

Learn how to have D3M create a quote based on your Diagram

David Chapman avatar
Written by David Chapman
Updated over a week ago

You have perfected your diagram, it's a masterpiece! Now you have to quote all of the items in your diagram. The first step in quoting is to upload your company's part list into D3M. If you haven't done this already, check out our article "Uploading and Managing Quote Parts".

Quoting icons

Once you have your parts list uploaded, you will be able to quote icons in a diagram by double-clicking the icon and typing a part number or name in the Quote Part section of the editor. This will search your parts list for matches and you can select the part you want using your mouse or arrow keys.

You can add as many parts here as you need and you can increase the quantity of a part on a single item by adjusting the quantity field on the part. 

Quoting connections

You can also quote connections in the same way that you quote icons. Simply double-click the link, add parts in the Quote Parts section in the editor. You can also use part quantity to quote cable lengths. 

Adding additional line items

Usually you will need to quote things like service hours or support packages that typically are not related to a specific icon or connection in your diagram. In order to quote those elements, navigate to the Quote section of your project where you will see a Add a Line Item button.

Clicking that button will open a form for adding a line item. Either fill out the form in full to create a custom line item that does not match any of the parts that you have uploaded, or start typing the name or part number of a part to perform a search, then select a result that appears underneath the form using your mouse or arrow keys.

You can also adjust the name, description, price, and cost of a line item to fit special cases. 

NOTE: Any time a line item's data becomes out-of-date with the quote part that created it, you will see a warning indicating the difference. You can click the warning to bring the data in the line item up-to-date.

Quote sections

Use quote sections to keep your quote organized. Sections are simply for splitting up your line items into related groupings that will be subtotalled individually. By default, D3M starts off every quote with two sections: Products and Services. You have full control over how many sections you have and what they are called. To add a section, look for the Add a Section button found just below your last section.

To rename a section, click the name of the section you want to change. To delete a section, hover over the section and look for the trash can to the right of the section. To reorder a section, hover over the section and click and drag the move icon to the left of the section's name.

Line item discounts

If you want to discount a line item you have two options: Bulk and Per Item. Access discount options by hovering over the line item you want to discount and click the tag icon, then click the option you would like.

Bulk discounts

Use bulk discounts to apply a single total discount to a line item. 

Per item discounts

Use per item discounts to apply a discount for a certain quantity of items in that line item. The quantity of items you discount does not need to be the same as the number of items that are being quoted.

Quote discounts, taxes, and shipping

Finally, at the very bottom of your quote, you can apply a flat or percentage discount (use the % icon to toggle between flat and percentage discounts), at shipping and handling charges, or set a tax percentage. 

That's it!

Once you have your quote looking just right, you can use the Export CSV button in the top right to import your quote into your own accounting system, or you can switch over to your Documents and insert your quote into a document and export it as PDF with your logo and other information. Having a document template to wrap your quotes in is great way to save time and quickly provide professional quotes to your customers.

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